Reach study goals with Foundation

Naomi enjoyed the Foundation Program (WAUFP) at Canning College

Canning College is a leader in preparing international students for degree program studies at universities in Australia. The Western Australian Universities’ Foundation Program (WAUFP) is the cornerstone of Canning’s university preparation programs.

What is the Western Australian Universities’ Foundation Program?

The Western Australian Universities’ Foundation Program (WAUFP) is an academic program that provides entry into tertiary education in Australia.

With programs running across either 8 or 10 months, the WAUFP provides students with the skills to help them transition into university in Australia.

Benefits of the WAUFP

Successfully completing WAUFP guarantees entry into all five Western Australian universities (Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, the University of Notre Dame Australia and The University of Western Australia). Australian universities in other states, including the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney, and some overseas institutions also accept WAUFP results as entry criteria.

Students choose from a range of academic subjects at Year 12 level, including Mathematics (Applications, Methods and Specialist), Physics, Human Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Business Management, Accounting, Economics and Computer Science.

The compulsory English Language and Australian Cultural Studies subject provides international students with additional literacy support to improve their readiness for university.

Teachers committed to both academic excellence and student wellbeing

Naomi Pang completed the WAUFP at Canning College in May 2020. She began the course as part of a cohort in August 2019.

“I thought it was the best pathway for me to enter directly into Australian universities,” Naomi said of the WAUFP.

The experience was a positive one, and Naomi has since gone on to study a Bachelor of Veterinary Science at the University of Queensland.

The diversity of the Canning College cohort, and the fact that many of them were living out of home for the first time, made it easy to find friends and study buddies.

Naomi enjoyed the Foundation Program (WAUFP) at Canning College
Alignment with the Australian syllabus prepares students for life after Canning

Naomi said that WAUFP aligns with the Australian syllabus and gives international students a taste of learning in an Australian classroom.

This knowledge has been hugely beneficial now that she has commenced her tertiary education.

For Garryl Kalonji, WAUFP has helped him improve his English language skills and has prepared him for the architecture degree he hopes to pursue when he finishes.

“I have learned and added new skills and knowledge which will be helpful for my future studies and career,” Garryl explained.

Garryl started WAUFP remotely from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At first, he was anxious about studying online, given he would need to attend classes at odd hours due to the time difference.

“But I had the support of teachers and other staff members as they were taking time to help when needed,” he said.

This helped him feel confident that he could complete his studies despite the logistical challenges. Garryl has since travelled from Congo and joined Canning College on campus studies.

How to apply to WAUFP at Canning College

Students can start WAUFP in any of three intakes, which are in January, April and August. Students joining in April complete an accelerated program, which aligns with students who started in January.

April-start students generally need to be of above-average academic ability to cope with the heavier workload.

The Mid-Year (August) intake is completed in the middle of the following year.

Scholarships are available, based on academic merit.

To apply for the WAUFP at Canning College, students must have completed year 11 or equivalent and have English language skills at IELTS 5.5 level. 

Moving on to university

After completing WAUFP, students receive a Combined Percentage Score, which can be directly compared to the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR), which is used for university entry.

Naomi wouldn’t hesitate to recommend WAUFP at Canning College to other international students. Her advice is simple: “don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, because with every step you take you gain a bit of confidence.”

This was a particularly important element of her studies and has eased the transition into university.

Garryl’s view is similar. He has gone from being anxious about beginning WAUFP to “confident, comfortable, and ready to start University!”

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Garryl’s commitment to learning

Garryl was learning during lockdown.

Garryl, who lives in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is seriously committed to his studies, making a point of learning something new during lockdown.

Despite a six-hour time difference between his hometown and Perth, he joins his classmates for online lessons delivered live from Canning College.

He wakes during the night to start College and often sleeps during the day. But he is now on his way to completing the Mid-Year WA Universities’ Foundation Program.

Watch the video below to find out more about Garryl, his hobbies and where he will go next.

From online to on campus

From online to on campus

Alvin Candra spent 2021 finishing a Diploma of Commerce with Canning College from his home in Indonesia.

Online study was the best option for him to progress quickly into the second year of Curtin University’s Bachelor of Commerce degree program.

With Western Australia’s borders now open to international visitors, Alvin has already arrived in Perth and is studying on campus at nearby Curtin University.

We were delighted to meet our 2021 valedictory speaker at Canning College recently, and thank him for choosing us on his pathway to university.

We want all our students to make the most of their international education experience by studying with us in Western Australia.

But we will also continue to offer students an opportunity to start their studies online if they are not yet ready to join us in Perth.

Just like Alvin, you can start your studies online before making the move to Western Australia.

Read more about Alvin’s journey from online to on campus studies on Insider Guides here.

From online to on campus

Environment in focus with new project

Recycling helps the environment

As international students start to return to Western Australia, we’re kick-starting our Containers for Change initiative to help the environment and a local charity.

We’re hoping to have many more students join us on campus in the coming weeks and months.

This will mean a great deal more recycling and more money to donate to a worthy cause.

Around 88% of the students enrolled in our pathway-to-university programs are currently studying online from their homes overseas.

But many students are now preparing to join us on campus after recent news that the Western Australian border will open on March 3.

Canning College’s Containers for Change initiative will be an ongoing project, which means students currently on campus, and those who will be joining us in the future, can contribute to the cause.

We’re really looking forward to seeing more students here in Perth and helping us with this project.

Simple actions, powerful results

Students and staff are encouraged to put refundable cans, bottles and other containers in the marked bins in the cafeteria, student lounge, student services and staff room.

These bins are for containers marked with a “10c refund at collection depots” label, or similar.

If you already take your 10c recyclables to a local depot, you can choose to donate some of your refund to Canning College.

Simply scan the code at your collection point and select Canning College.

We will make sure your donation is passed on to our chosen charity.

Keep reading to find out which charity will be receiving the funds from our recycling efforts.

But if it’s easier, or if you are not currently using a recycling depot, bring your containers into Canning College and drop them into one of the bins.

Choosing a charity

We expect that by the middle of the year, our campus population will be much busier, and we’ll then be in a position to take the next step.

This will involve asking our students to research some suitable local charities that are listed on the Containers for Change website.

Student input will be considered before an organisation or cause is selected to receive the proceeds of our Containers for Change initiative.

Canning College Containers for Change code

Why we care about the environment

We all know that our environment is precious.

Here in Western Australia, we have blue skies, golden sand and clean water lapping on to our beaches.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t have to work to keep it that way.

With the effects of climate change, plastics in the world’s oceans and huge amounts of waste going to landfill, the world environment is under a lot of strain.

As a college exclusively focused on the education of international students, we feel globally connected.

Our Containers for Change initiative allows Canning College to contribute to a global challenge from a local perspective.

Western Australia’s role

Although Perth has a relatively small population of around two million people, the small steps we take can have a significant, positive impact on the environment.

Every year, the people of Western Australia use 1.3 billion drink containers.

These soft drink cans, fruit juice cartons and water bottles can end up in landfill, contributing to waste.

But there is a way to dispose of these items that is better for the environment.

Most drink bottles that are made of glass and plastic, cans made of aluminium and steel, and some cartons made of paperboard can be recycled instead.

And it is incredible how this recycled material can be put to good use in future.

Containers can be turned into many things, pens, shoes, road base, furniture, new drink containers and even aeroplane wings.

Find our more at Containers For Change.

Recycling helps the environment

Full border opening on March 3

WA border opening to international students

Western Australia’s border will be open to international visitors from March 3, which will allow Canning College students to join us on campus.

This means that international students entering Western Australia after 12.01am on March 3 will not be required to spend any time in quarantine. As indicated in correspondence sent earlier this week, students entering before the border opening date must isolate in approved accommodation for seven days. For information regarding entry into Western Australia before March 3 please visit our website here.

After March 3, international travellers into WA will be permitted with the following requirements:

  • meet Commonwealth Government requirements to enter Australia;
  • be fully vaccinated under the Commonwealth requirements, if eligible;
  • have a registered G2G Pass;
  • undertake a rapid antigen test on arrival (within 12 hours and report any positive result).

Students who are planning to travel to join us here in Perth are asked to provide us with flight and accommodation details before travelling to WA. This will allow us to arrange free transfers between the airport and accommodation.

From March 3, the WA State Government will provide a Rapid Antigen Test to each international arrival to meet the new interim controls. Interim testing arrangements will be in place for a minimum of two weeks and then be subject to an ongoing review.

During this transition period and until further notice, Canning College will continue to offer online programs. We are committed to supporting students in the pursuit of academic goals both on campus and online.

Further information regarding WA’s response to COVID-19 is available on the WA Government website here.

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Welcome back to Western Australia

Welcome back to Western Australia

*PLEASE NOTE: Since this article was published, the State Government has announced that the Western Australian border will be open after March 3 without a requirement for travellers to quarantine. The information below is relevant for travellers into Western Australia before March 3. Click here for the latest information on the full border opening.


International students can start to return to Western Australian following an announcement by the State Government regarding new entry rules.

As a college dedicated exclusively to international education, we are delighted to welcome new students back to Perth and on to campus after almost two years of restrictions.

There are a number of measures students must take to be able to join us in Perth, including a requirement to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to quarantine for seven days on arrival. Further requirements are outlined below.

Under the new rules, international students can enter Western Australia either directly under the arrivals cap, or by transitioning through another state. It is important to note that the number of international visitors allowed directly into Western Australia is currently restricted to 530 people per week. The number of visitors allowed to enter Western Australia from other states is not restricted. More information regarding State and Territory entry requirements is available here.

Students who intend to travel into Perth, either directly or via another Australian state, are required to:

  • Have an approved G2G pass with “Enrolled Student in WA” as the exemption category.
  • Be fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine.
  • Provide proof of a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) within 24 hours before departure.
  • Undertake 7 days of self-quarantine in approved accommodation in Western Australia, with the same requirements for household members at any self-quarantine premises.
  • Undertake RAT or PCR testing within 24 hours of arrival, and either a PCR test on day 6 or a RAT on day 7 of self-quarantine. If the student has no symptoms and tests negative, quarantine is complete after 7 days. If a student has symptoms, the student must continue to isolate until symptoms are gone. Household members, who quarantine with the student, will also be required to do a PCR test on the student’s day 6.
  • Be subject to mandatory use of the G2G Now app and in-person checks by Western Australian Police as required.

To assist with quarantine-related expenses, students are advised to register on the WA Government website here for a one-off payment of $2000. They should also register with StudyPerth here to receive a welcome pack.

Additional to the entry requirements, Canning College also recommends:

  • Parents/students assess the suitability of the student to complete the mandatory 7-day quarantine period before pursuing entry into Western Australia.
  • Students under 18 years of age travel with a parent or guardian. Parents/guardians should select “Immediate Family Member of Approved Traveller” on their GTG Pass application.
  • Students understand the requirement to quarantine in approved accommodation and prepare accordingly. Students should check the accommodation they have booked for use during the normal course of their studies is approved for quarantine purposes. If not, students must arrange for approved accommodation during their quarantine stay. A list of approved accommodation is available on the StudyPerth website here.
  • Students understand airline refund policies in case flight schedules change.
  • Students be prepared to start their online studies during quarantine. Starting or continuing study online while in quarantine is a great way for students to interact with teachers and other students during isolation.

Canning College understands that quarantine may be challenging for some students, who may not be ready to travel, and we will continue to offer online learning until further notice.

Students who intend to travel to Perth are asked to provide flight and accommodation details before travelling to WA.

We remain committed to delivering high-quality education programs and providing high levels of support that help students achieve their academic goals.

Should you have any questions regarding information in this email that is not answered in any of the links, please visit the StudyPerth frequently asked questions page here or contact us at Further information on international education is available on the WA Government website here.

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Health and safety measures

Entry into university in Australia.

Current and new students, staff members and visitors to Canning College are reminded of social measures in place to protect the health and safety of Western Australians against COVID-19.

Border restrictions will be relaxed after February 5, which will allow international visitors to enter Western Australia without the requirement to quarantine, provided they meet entry requirements. These include having proof of vaccination and a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within three days of departure.

In order to protect the health and safety of the WA population, the State Government will continue to make health assessments and introduce new measures when necessary.

The wearing of masks is currently mandatory in some public venues, including on public transport, in hospitals and at Canning College.

It is also a requirement to show proof of vaccination to enter some public venues.

Students and staff are asked to regularly check the WA State Government information page for the latest measures.

We can’t wait to welcome new and returning students on to campus in 2022.

Entry into university in Australia.

Education is more than numbers

In 2021, despite the extraordinary challenges of the pandemic, international students around the world pushed on towards their academic goals.

At Canning College, we saw first-hand how students, both on campus and online, adapted to their circumstances with great success. The year has been more difficult for some students but almost without exception they have shown resilience, flexibility and a determination to reach the finish line.


A success rate of 96% across all programs included more than 30 students progressing to The University of Western Australia and Curtin University from our Diploma of Commerce. In the WA Universities’ Foundation Program, 84% of students achieved a score equivalent to a 70 Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, generally considered minimum university entrance standard. We were delighted also that 21% of the Foundation Program group ranked in the top 5% of all students in Australia.

It’s personal

While the numbers are important, success can be measured across a number of things, including the personal development of the young people we educate. This year, as in all others since we started teaching international students in 1982, we helped students grow in confidence through the support of our teachers and other staff. This will serve students well as they transition into tertiary studies.

We were also impressed by the contribution of our student leaders. The Student Representative on the Board, Khaasyiyah, who is from Singapore, and our Student Ambassadors, Risto (Hong Kong) and Linda (Vietnam), stepped out of their comfort zones and represented the College commendably. We hope that our leaders in 2022 will be just as inquisitive, interested and polite.

A different year

Things will be different in 2022 and news that the Western Australian border will open to visitors from February 5 was very well received by the international education industry. But we need only to reflect on events elsewhere in the world to expect new challenges to emerge in the new year.

We cannot predict exactly how the new year will unfold but we can promise to deliver the same level of care and support that has been key to Canning College’s success for almost 40 years.

We wish past, present and prospective students, their parents, our partner agents and our good friends at Western Australia’s excellent universities the very best over the Festive Season and into 2022.

2021 Office Closed

New community initiative engages students

Canning College has launched a new initiative that provides students with volunteer opportunities that engage them in community activities.

Award-winning WA Universities’ Foundation Program student Lee Dayoon was the first to take part in the program when she visited West Leeming Primary School this week.

Science teachers Tony Herbert and Simon Maddy attended with Dayoon to introduce the young students to microscopy.

In the 90-minute session, students learnt how to identify and describe the different parts of a microscope before using it to observe things such as crystals of sugar, onion cells, pollen grains, human hair and ants.

Dayoon, who was a joint winner of the 2022 Doug Russell Award as Canning’s outstanding WAUFP students, along with Micayla Han Qi Yi, was a great contributor to the session, helping the groups of students to conduct their tasks.

“It was nice to be able to help out and to show the young students some interesting science activities,” said Dayoon, who is from South Korea.

“I like the idea of being able to interact with members of the community and to be involved in something that feels important to the students.”

The West Leeming Primary School session was part of an ongoing collaborative partnership between Canning College, Curtin Universities and local schools.

Each visit will involve Canning College students engaging with members of the community in a voluntary capacity. Student volunteers are presented with a certificate from Canning College as a recognition of their contribution in extracurricular activities.

Science Specialist Mrs Charu Sharma from West Leeming Primary School was pleased with the activity.

“Our Year 5 students were highly motivated and engaged throughout the lessons prepared for them,” she said. “I greatly appreciate your time and effort and look forward to future collaboration.”

Mr Herbert was pleased with the inaugural activity.

“This is just one of many ways international students can engage in community activities,” he said. “It’s important that our students, who come from many parts of the world, feel genuinely connected to their studies and the place in which they have chosen to live.

“This initiative is a great way to connect students with the community through volunteering and we look forward to continuing this project in 2022.”