Welcoming students to Perth in 2022

Canning College in spring

Canning College is looking forward to welcoming new students on to campus in early 2022 following an announcement from the Western Australian State Government. 

After maintaining tight border controls that have successfully contained COVID-19 and limited its impact on the people of Western Australia, the State Government is preparing to start welcoming new international arrivals as part of a Safe Transition Plan. 

The transition, which is based on expert health advice, will occur when WA reaches a double dose vaccination rate of 90% of the eligible population (12 years and over). This is expected to be achieved in late January/early February 2022. 

Once an 80% vaccination rate is achieved, the WA State Government will announce the transition date. 

International arrivals in Western Australian will be required to: 

  • be double-dose vaccinated
  • return a negative PCR test 72 hours before departure 
  • undertake a test on arrival

During the pandemic, Canning College successfully developed, launched and delivered interactive online programs, which allowed international students to continue on their pathway to university from their own homes. We will continue to offer interactive online program delivery in 2022, until further notice. 

The Safe Transition Plan is a significant step forward for Western Australia and we hope that students enrolled to start with us in first semester will be able to join us in Perth at some stage of their education. We anticipate that new students may not be in Perth for the start of Semester One 2022 and that they will begin their Canning College studies through online delivery. However, we encourage agents to assist students in taking the necessary steps to be able to join us in Perth where they can fully immerse themselves in the international student experience. 

We understand that the processing of visas may be delayed in some countries and that some students may be required to spend more time studying online. Canning College will work with international education agents to ensure the best outcome for students enrolled in our programs. 

Canning College is committed to providing international students with excellent pathway programs that take them into their chosen university. More than that, we will continue to assist in their personal development so they are ready for the transition into university life. 

After almost two years of adjustment and caution around the world, we are delighted to be able to offer safety and stability here in Perth, Western Australia. Our State has the strongest economy in Australia, our city is clean, modern and conducive to a healthy lifestyle and our education system is among the best in the world – just three reasons for students to consider joining us at Canning College. 

Should you require any information about Canning College and how our programs can help international students achieve entry into leading universities, please do not hesitate to contact our admissions team at canning.col.admissions@education.wa.edu.au

For the latest information regarding the safe return of international students to WA visit the StudyPerth page here or for more about Western Australia’s Safe Transition Plan visit the Government website here. 

Canning College in spring

Secure your place with forecast results

2021 Lisa De Ceglie

Students seeking to join us at Canning College do not have to wait for their final academic results to submit an application.

Preliminary and/or forecast results can be assessed during the application process to help ease student anxieties and allow them to focus on current school studies.

Students can also use forecast results to apply for Canning College scholarships, which are available across all programs. Scholarship applications must also include a student’s most recent semester school results.

Our experienced admissions team can quickly assess student capabilities and provide the security of an offer of place, often within 24 hours of receiving the application.

Our commitment to student success comes with an expectation that those granted an offer of place will continue to work hard on their current school studies.

Canning College also offers students course packaging arrangements with Western Australian universities, saving time and money on visa applications.

Most importantly, a packaged offer can secure student places in some quota-restricted university degree courses, subject to meeting minimum requirements.

Apply now and find your future at Canning College

Celebrating student success

Canning College celebrated the achievements of more than 130 students across three programs in 2020 and 2021 during a Presentation Evening ceremony held at Technology Park on Friday, October 22.

Students completing the WA Universities’ Foundation Program this year, and those who finished the Diploma of Commerce and Certificate IV in University Access Program at the end of 2020 or in the middle of 2021 were acknowledged during a presentation that was livestreamed to an international audience. Thank you to students from around the world, who watched the livestream despite technical difficulties during the night.


04mins 08secs

Principal’s address

15mins 25secs

Certificate IV 2020 students

17mins 40secs

Certificate IV 2021 students

20mins 07secs

Certificate IV Academic Excellence Award

21mins 15secs

Diploma of Commerce 2020 students

26mins 25secs

Diploma of Commerce 2021 students

32mins 30secs

Diploma of Commerce Awards

42mins 55secs

Diploma Valedictorian – Alvin Candra

49mins 30secs

WA Universities’ Foundation Program students

1hr 02mins 30secs

WAUFP Valedictorian – Livia Lily Mammen

1hr 07mins 40secs

Student Leaders presentation

1hr 12mins 20secs

WAUFP Awards

1hr 20mins 30secs

WAUFP Valedictorian – Khaasyiyah Kamsani

1hr 27mins 18secs

Charge – Dr Bruce Mackintosh






Principal Wayne Axford thanked students for their application to their studies and wished them well in their future academic endeavours.

“I encourage you to build on the relationships you already have with your peers, family and other members of society,” he said. “I also encourage you to develop meaningful relationships with people you will meet in the future, whether that be at university, in the workplace or through groups that share a common interest.

“To achieve ongoing success, I encourage you to focus on your goals, be passionate about these goals, work hard at the associated tasks and take pride in what you do.”

Director of International Operations Lisa De’Ceglie said students had adapted to significant changes to learning and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We hope that the education that you received whether onshore or online has set you up for future studies that will lead to your dream career,” she told students.

“The way you have adapted to the totally unexpected shows that nothing is impossible for you.”

An exceptional valedictory speech from Khaasyiyah Kamsani, a WAUFP student who is also on the Canning College Board, was matched by online valedictories from Alvin Candra, a Diploma of Commerce student from Indonesia, and Livia Lily Mammen, who studied WAUFP from Singapore.

The prestigious Doug Russell Award for the top student was shared, for the first time, by Micayla Han Qi Yi, who studied WAUFP from Brunei, and Lee Dayoon, a Korean student who studied on campus.

The Scholarship Award and Ron Goddard Award for the Diploma of Commerce University of WA stream were won by Chung Hui Ning. The Scholarship Award and Ron Goddard Award for the Diploma of Commerce Curtin University stream were won by Goh Wen Xuan.

So Cek Ki, who studied online from Malaysia, won the Academic Excellence Award as the top Certificate IV in University Access Program student.



Doug Russell Award: Micayla Han Qi Yi and Lee Dayoon

Principal’s Commendation Award: Carine Siew Ying

Accounting and Finance Award: Yan Xiang Hock

Business Management and Enterprise Award: Micayla Han Qi Yi

Chemistry Award: Dominic Cheng

Computer Science Award: Micayla Han Qi Yi

Economics Award: Yan Xiang Hock

English Language and Australian Cultural Studies Award: Charity Lim Shu Ann

Human Biology Award: Carissa Lim Yen Hui

Mathematics Applications Award: Shelly Voo Sigawin

Mathematics Methods Award: Lee Dayoon

Mathematics Specialist Award: Lee Dayoon

Physics Award: Lee Dayoon

Psychology Award: Charity Lim Shu Ann and Carine Siew Ying



Financial Accounting Award: Chung Hui Ning

Communication Studies Award: Chong Yun Jun and Chung Hui Ning

Introduction to Finance: Chung Hui Ning

UWA Scholarship Award: Chung Hui Ning

Ron Goddard Award (UWA): Chung Hui Ning


Curtin Scholarship Award: Goh Wen Xuan

Ron Goddard Award (Curtin): Goh Wen Xuan


Academic Excellence Award: So Cek Ki

Study tips from top student

Singapore students Bob and Carina dropped in to say hello to Canning College staff recently.

The pair were among Canning College’s best performing WA Universities’ Foundation Program students last year and are both now studying a Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) at Curtin University.

After catching up with Human Biology teacher Simon, we asked if they had any tips for students approaching important exams.
Carina’s response was typically honest and extremely helpful.

2021 09 29 news carina student tips
Pictured above: Carina (right) with Bob (centre) and Human Biology teacher Simon.

“I think one of the major factors that helped me in my final exam was having revision/study sessions with friends,” Carina said. “During the final lap of the study period, Bob and I would just have a list of questions on the content and test each other on our knowledge. I think that really helped me to gain confidence in the knowledge that I’ve built up, and to really engage with the materials that we were tested on.

“Studying together with other friends has also helped me to consistently revise and relook at the content as well. The group of friends provided encouragement to push on towards the end of exams and a sense of comfort when I was kind of struggling with homesickness as well.”

As many 2021 students are studying online, students can connect with each other using Webex or other video conferencing tools to adopt a similar shared-learning approach.

Carina’s advice also came with a warning about the potential for students to overfocus on school work.
“One thing that I would do differently would probably be to take breaks more often (or when I needed to),” she said.

“I think it is quite easy to get caught up in the pace of things – trying to get as much revision/work done. But I should have gotten out of my study space for some exercise or doing things that I like doing, just to get my mind off studying for a short bit. I think it seems so counterintuitive to do so but breaks and taking care of oneself are so important.”

Wherever our students are in the world, we encourage them to make sure they are balancing hard work with some time away from the rigours of study.

A final word from Carina:

“Wishing the students all the best in their exams, and I hope they’ll learn to just trust the process, and all the hard work that they’ve put into it so far.”

Thank you to Carina for the tips, and good luck to all our students.

Fast cars goal for John

Hong Kong student John is on track for a career in cars after making the most of a challenging situation.

The impact of the pandemic hit the world hard soon after John had arrived in Perth to begin his international student experience.

Although the pandemic resulted in travel restrictions, John was among a group of students who continued to enjoy the relative freedom and comfort of studying in Western Australia, where COVID had minimal impact on the local population.

But after a long period away from his family in Hong Kong, and after seeing the evolution of Canning College’s online learning programs, he made the decision to return home.

John completed the WA Universities’ Foundation Program online and is now studying at one of the world’s best universities.

Watch the video to find out more about his journey and where he hopes his hard work will take him next.

Special guests on campus

Canning College today hosted some special guests, who took a close look at the online teaching and learning methods that provide international students with pathways into universities.

Department of Education Director General Ms Lisa Rodgers and Deputy Director Mr Jim Bell were joined on the campus tour by Principal of the School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE), Mr Paul Mathews.

The visitors met with Canning College Principal Wayne Axford, Deputy Principals Maria Leslie and Adelfo Sabatini, Manager of International Operations Lisa De’Ceglie as well as teachers and students.

“Our online learning programs have been up and running for more than a year now and our teachers continue to do an excellent job in adapting to the circumstances,” Mr Axford said. 

“It was great to have Lisa, Jim and Paul visit Canning to observe and participate in several lessons with our onshore and offshore students. The students appreciated the opportunity to share their experience of online learning.”

The Director General was also introduced to Canning College’s students leaders Khaasyiyah (Representative on the Board), Linda (Ambassador) and Risto (Ambassador).

Canning College launched online learning for international students last year and have enrolled students from various parts of the world into a range of live and interactive programs.

The visitors were shown some of the techniques that teachers use to engage online students, as well as how they overcome the challenges of having students both in class and online for some lessons.

All Canning College programs are available online to international students, who are unable to travel to Perth.

Canning College, which first educated international students in 1982, has been focused exclusively on international education since 2019.

Music hits the right note

Support from Lotterywest and StudyPerth has helped Canning College improve its instrument collection and add new activities to engage students.

The music room is available during break times and after school to current students, while some former students have also joined in our recent sessions.

Our instrument collection now includes guitars, drums, banjo, ukulele, bongos, a mandolin and percussion items.

The music room is a great place for students to engage with others, develop social skills and to explore their creativity.

Uni visitors add to science

It just wouldn’t be Science Week without serving up delicious ice cream made with liquid nitrogen.

This week, we called on an expert from Curtin University, former Canning College student Dr Katya Clark, and a team of Nutrition and Food Science students to join in the fun.

2021 science ice cream 2

The Curtin team made an avocado and coconut ice cream, while Canning College played it safe with a tried-and-proven red velvet chocolate flavour.

The entire ice cream-making process takes just a few minutes as ingredients are stirred in a bowl and cooled using liquid nitrogen, which has a freezing temperature of around -200 degrees Celsius.

2021 science ice cream 1

Dr Clark said she and her students were delighted to participate and were very keen to compete again with another unique flavour in 2022.

2021 science ice cream 3

The end of an historic term

2021 Adelfo

It has been an historic term for Canning College with a group of Mid-Year WA Universities’ Foundation Program students becoming the first to complete a year-long course entirely online.

This is a great achievement for the students, who have continued to study towards university entry despite being unable to join us on campus. It is also very satisfying to our teachers and support staff, who have been asked to learn new systems in order to deliver the program to the same high standards that have been the hallmark of Canning College for many years.

While online learning has allowed students to continue their studies from the comfort of their own homes, we hope they will have an opportunity to visit Perth and join us on campus in the near future.

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of our on-campus students, who have faced challenges of their own during these testing times. Border restrictions have kept students away from family and friends for longer than anticipated and students should be commended for their resilience and maturity.

Please remember that our office will remain open during the holidays and our Student Services staff are available to assist and provide support.

It has been great to see online students develop friendships beyond the virtual classroom and to hear about their genuine interest in Australia. During a recent excursion to the WA Museum Boola Bardip and the StudyPerth Student Hub, many overseas students joined the tour online and were keen to exchange ideas and ask questions of our teachers and the tour guides.

Although Perth continues to cope well during the pandemic, the final week of term has been met with a new round of restrictions, including a WA State Government directive for people to wear masks in public. This did not affect Canning College students and teaching continued without interruption. At the time of writing, restrictions were due to be lifted after midnight on Friday, July 2.

We ask students, parents, guardians and homestay hosts to stay safe during the holidays by adhering to all Government advice.

Students should also monitor emails and Canning College’s Facebook and Instagram accounts for information specific to college operations.

Enjoy the holidays and stay safe.

Adelfo Sabatini

Acting Principal