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Year 11 Secondary Studies


A simple pathway into Year 12-level studies.

The Year 11 program allows international students to improve their English skills and academic performance in the subjects they intend to pursue in the WA Universities’ Foundation Program (WAUFP) or the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Year 12 program.

CRICOS Course Code 097571G


Completion of Year 11.


The Year 11 program starts in February and April of each year.

  • January Entry: 11 months (January/February – December).
  • April Entry: 9 months (April – December).


Students who successfully complete Year 11 will progress into a Year 12 level course. 


The Year 11 program is structured around the compulsory subject English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D). This subject is studied for 9 hours each week for the duration of the program. Students must also study either Mathematics Applications or Mathematics Methods. 

Students also select at least three electives each semester.

This course focuses on financial literacy and aims to provide students with the knowledge, understandings and a range of skills that enables them to make sound financial judgements. Students develop an understanding that financial decisions have far reaching consequences for individuals and business. The course will provide students with the understanding of the systems and processes through which financial practices and decision making are carried out, as well as the ethical, social and environmental issues involved. Through the preparation, examination and analysis of a variety of financial documents and systems, students develop an understanding of the fundamental principles and practices upon which accounting and financial management are based. An understanding and application of these principles and practices enables students to analyse their own financial data and that of businesses and make informed decisions, forecasts of future performance, and recommendations based on that analysis.

Unit 1: The focus for this unit is on double entry accounting for small businesses.

Unit 2: The focus for this unit is on accrual accounting.

The Business Management and Enterprise ATAR course focuses on business planning, marketing and growth, and opportunities provided for business by technology and the global environment. Students examine factors that drive international business developments, the features and traits of successful management, and how businesses operate strategically to maximise business performance in a global setting. Through the consideration of real businesses and scenarios, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills that enable them to apply financial and business literacy, analyse business opportunities, evaluate business performance, identify and create opportunities, and make sound, ethical business decisions within a business environment. The course equips students to participate proactively in the world of business, behave responsibly and demonstrate integrity in business activities.

Unit 1: The unit focuses on how to be successful in an Australian business market and exploring what it takes to be successful beyond the initial start-up stage. Students investigate successful marketing campaigns and examine how businesses succeed and grow through different business practices.

Unit 2: The focus of this unit is on business growth and the challenges faced by businesses wanting to expand in an Australian market. The unit explores issues which may arise in the business environment and how to address these issues.

This course equips students with the knowledge, understanding and opportunity to investigate properties and reactions of materials. Theories and models are used to describe, explain and make predictions about chemical systems, structures and properties. Students recognise hazards and make informed, balanced decisions about chemical use and sustainable resource management. Investigations and laboratory activities develop an appreciation of the need for precision, critical analysis and informed decision making.
This course prepares students to be responsible and efficient users of specialised chemical products and processes at home or in the workplace. It also enables students to relate chemistry to other sciences, including biology, geology, medicine, molecular biology and agriculture, and prepares them for further study in the sciences.

Unit 1: Chemical fundamentals: structure, properties and reactions
Students use models of atomic structure and bonding to explain the macroscopic properties of materials. Students develop their understanding of the energy changes associated with chemical reactions and the use of chemical equations to calculate the masses of substances involved in chemical reactions.

Unit 2: Molecular interactions and reactions
Students continue to develop their understanding of bonding models and the relationship between structure, properties and reactions, including consideration of the factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Students investigate the unique properties of water and the properties of acids and bases, and use chemical equations to calculate the concentrations and volumes of solutions involved in chemical reactions.

The Computer Science course builds on the core principles, concepts and skills developed in the Digital Technologies subject in previous years. Students utilise and enhance established analysis and algorithm design skills to create innovative digital solutions to real-world problems. In the process, students develop computational, algorithmic and systems thinking skills which can be successfully applied to problems across domains outside Information Technology. In addition to the development of software, the essential concepts of networking, data management and cyber security are explored. With the vast amounts of data collected in our increasingly digital world, especially in the information-intensive business and scientific disciplines, data management is becoming essential. Similarly, with more and more devices connecting to the internet, cyber security is a major issue for society and the world continues to look for new, young experts to emerge in this field.
Python is the prescribed programming language for Computer Science ATAR.
Units 1 and 3; 2 and 4 have the same descriptions, however the Year 12 units build on knowledge and skills from Year 11. Units 3 and 4 have increased specialisation and complexity.

Unit 1: Design and development of programming and network solutions
Students gain knowledge and skills to create software solutions. They use algorithms and structured programming to design and implement software solutions for a range of problems. They consider the complex interactions between users, developers, the law, ethics and society when computer systems are used and developed. Students learn about network communications and the transfer of data through a network.

Unit 2: Design and development of database solutions and cyber security considerations
Students learn about the design concepts and tools used to develop relational database systems. Students gain knowledge and skills to create database solutions and create queries to extract relevant information. Students consider the security of network communications, exploring a range of threats and measures used to keep networks secure. Students examine attitudes and values involved in the creation and use of computer-based systems and their effect on society. They examine the ethical and legal obligations of the user and developer in the collection and storage of data.

Economics investigates the choices which all people, groups and societies face as they attempt to resolve the ongoing problem of satisfying their unlimited wants with limited resources. Economics aims to understand and analyse the allocation, utilisation and distribution of scarce resources that determine our wealth and wellbeing. Economics develops the knowledge, reasoning and interpretation skills that form an important component of understanding individual, business and government behaviour at the local, national and global levels. The Economics ATAR course develops reasoning, logical thinking and interpretation skills demanded by the world of work, business and government. Economic literacy developed through this course enables students to actively participate in economic and financial decision-making, which promotes individual and societal wealth and wellbeing. The emphasis of the course is on the Australian economy.

Unit 1: Microeconomics
Introduces microeconomics and explores the role of the market in determining the wellbeing of individuals and society. Students explore the workings of real-world markets with an emphasis on the Australian economy.

Unit 2: Macroeconomics
Introduces macroeconomics and explores economic growth, inflation and unemployment with an emphasis on the Australian economy. Students learn it is important to measure and monitor changes in these macroeconomic indicators as changes in the level of economic activity affect the wellbeing of individuals and society.

The EAL/D program is designed for students who speak another language or dialect as their first or ‘home’ language. EAL/D focuses on development of the competent use of Standard Australian English (SAE) in a range of contexts. The EAL/D course develops academic English skills to prepare students for tertiary study.

Unit 1: The focus is on investigating how language and culture are interrelated and expressed in a range of contexts. A variety of oral, written and multimodal texts are used to develop understanding of text structures and language features. The relationship between these structures and features and the context, purpose and audience of texts is explored. The unit will enhance students’ confidence in creating texts for different purposes and across all language modes in both real and imagined contexts. It will broaden their understanding of the sociocultural and sociolinguistic elements of SAE and develop skills for research and further academic study.

Unit 2: The focus is on analysing and evaluating perspectives and attitudes presented in texts and creating extended texts for a range of contexts. SAE language skills for effective communication in an expanding range of contexts are consolidated. The use of cohesive text structures and language features is developed. The unit focuses on developing planning and editing skills to create extended oral, written and multimodal texts. Attitudes, values and culturally based assumptions within texts are identified, analysed and compared. Strategies for collecting, analysing, organising and presenting ideas and information are refined.

Human Biology covers a wide range of ideas relating to the functioning human. Students learn about themselves, relating structure to function and how integrated regulation allows individuals to survive in a changing environment. They research new discoveries that are increasing our understanding of the causes of dysfunction, which can lead to new treatments and preventative measures. Reproduction is studied to understand the sources of variation that make each of us unique individuals. Through a combination of classical genetics, and advances in molecular genetics, dynamic new biotechnological processes have resulted. Population genetics is studied to highlight the longer term changes leading to natural selection and evolution of our species.
As a science, the subject matter of this course is founded on knowledge and understanding that has been gained through systematic inquiry and scientific research. However, this knowledge is far from complete and is being modified and expanded as new discoveries and advancements are made. Students develop their understanding of the cumulative and evolving nature of scientific knowledge and the ways in which such knowledge is obtained through scientific investigations. They learn to think critically, to evaluate evidence, to solve problems and to communicate understandings in scientific ways.

Unit 1: The functioning human body
Students analyse how the structure and function of body systems, and the interrelationships between systems, support metabolism and body functioning.

Unit 2: Reproduction and inheritance
Students study the reproductive systems of males and females, the mechanisms of transmission of genetic material from generation to generation, and the effects of the environment on gene expression.

This course focuses on the use of mathematics to solve problems in contexts that involve financial modelling, geometric and trigonometric analysis, graphical and network analysis, and growth and decay in sequences. It also provides opportunities for students to develop systematic strategies based on the statistical investigation process for answering statistical questions that involve analysing univariate and bivariate data, including time series data. The Mathematics Applications ATAR course is designed for students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10 level, but whose future studies or employment pathways do not require knowledge of calculus. The course is designed for students who have a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at university or TAFE.

Unit 1: Contains the three topics:
• Consumer arithmetic
• Algebra and matrices
• Shape and measurement.
‘Consumer arithmetic’ reviews the concepts of rate and percentage change in the context of earning and managing money, and provides a context for the use of spread sheets. ‘Algebra and matrices’ continues the Year 7–10 study of algebra and introduces the new topic of matrices. The emphasis of this topic is the symbolic representation and manipulation of information from real-life contexts using algebra and matrices. ‘Shape and measurement’ extends the knowledge and skills students developed in the Year 7–10 curriculum with the concept of similarity and associated calculations involving simple and compound geometric shapes. The emphasis in this topic is on applying these skills in a range of practical contexts, including those involving three-dimensional shapes.

Unit 2: Contains the three topics:
• Univariate data analysis and the statistical investigation process
• Applications of trigonometry
• Linear equations and their graphs.
‘Univariate data analysis and the statistical investigation process’ develop students’ ability to organise and summarise univariate data in the context of conducting a statistical investigation. ‘Applications of trigonometry’ extends students’ knowledge of trigonometry to solve practical problems involving non-right-angled triangles in both two and three dimensions, including problems involving the use of angles of elevation and depression and bearings in navigation. ‘Linear equations and their graphs’ uses linear equations and straight-line graphs, as well as linear-piece-wise and step graphs, to model and analyse practical situations.

This course focuses on the use of calculus and statistical analysis. The study of calculus provides a basis for understanding rates of change in the physical world, and includes the use of functions, their derivatives and integrals, in modelling physical processes. The study of statistics develops students’ ability to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation.
Mathematics Methods provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also advantageous for further studies in the health and social sciences. In summary, this course is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level.

Unit 1: Contains the three topics:
• Counting and probability
• Functions and graphs
• Trigonometric functions.
Unit 1 begins with the study of probability and statistics with a review of the fundamentals of probability, and the introduction of the concepts of conditional probability and independence. A review of the basic algebraic concepts and techniques required for a successful introduction to the study of functions and calculus is covered. Simple relationships between variable quantities are reviewed, and these are used to introduce the key concepts of a function and its graph. The study of the trigonometric functions begins with a consideration of the unit circle using degrees and the trigonometry of triangles and its application. Radian measure is introduced, and the graphs of the trigonometric functions are examined and their applications in a wide range of settings are explored.

Unit 2: Contains the three topics:
• Exponential functions
• Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series
• Introduction to differential calculus.
Exponential functions are introduced and their properties and graphs examined. Arithmetic and geometric sequences and their applications are introduced and their recursive definitions applied. Rates and average rates of change are introduced and this is followed by the key concept of the derivative as an ‘instantaneous rate of change’. These concepts are reinforced numerically (by calculating difference quotients), geometrically (as slopes of chords and tangents), and algebraically. This first calculus topic concludes with derivatives of polynomial functions, using simple applications of the derivative to sketch curves, calculate slopes and equations of tangents, determine instantaneous velocities, and solve optimisation problems.

Students will learn how energy and energy transformations can shape the environment from the small scale, in quantum leaps inside an atom’s electron cloud, through the human scale, in vehicles and the human body, to the large scale, in interactions between galaxies. Students have opportunities to develop their investigative skills and use analytical thinking to explain and predict physical phenomena. Students plan and conduct investigations to answer a range of questions, collect and interpret data and observations, and communicate their findings in an appropriate format. Problem-solving and using evidence to make and justify conclusions are transferable skills that are developed in this course.

Unit 1: Thermal, nuclear and electrical physics
Students investigate energy production by considering heating processes, radioactivity and nuclear reactions, and investigate energy transfer and transformation in electrical circuits.

Unit 2: Linear motion and waves
Students describe, explain and predict linear motion, and investigate the application of wave models to sound phenomena.

Students will be introduced to psychological knowledge which supports an understanding of the way individuals think, feel and behave in different contexts. Students learn about major psychological theories, studies and models, and conduct scientific investigations. Students develop skills to apply their psychological knowledge to explain thoughts, feelings and behaviours in the everyday world. Students apply the principles of scientific inquiry and ethical guidelines as they analyse data used to examine phenomena, such as developmental stages, memory, attention, attitudes, personality and social influence. An understanding of psychology is very useful, both to individuals and those assisting us to improve ourselves and our relationships, and to society as a whole.

Unit 1: Biological and lifespan psychology
This unit introduces psychology as an inquiry-based discipline. Students begin to learn concepts associated with psychological theories, studies and models, which develop and change over time, to explain human emotion, cognition and behaviour. Students learn the basic structure of the central nervous system and some effects of this structure on the way humans think, feel and behave. They are introduced to several methods used to study the brain.
The unit introduces lifespan psychology with a key focus on adolescent development. Students have the opportunity to understand the impact of developmental change on human thoughts, feelings and behaviours. They extend their understanding of developmental processes through learning the role of attachment and identifying stages of development according to specified theorists.
Science inquiry skills developed during Year 7–10 Science are further developed in this unit as students apply these skills to understanding and analysing psychological studies.

Unit 2: Attitudes, stereotypes and social influence
This unit focuses on the influence of others on human behaviour, cognition and emotion. Students explore the function and effect of attitudes and apply the tripartite model of attitude structure to develop a more complex understanding. Students explore theories of cognitive dissonance, social identity and attribution with reference to relevant psychological studies, and apply these theories to real-world experiences.
The unit introduces social influences. Students learn the role of stereotypes and the relationship between attitudes, prejudice and discrimination in a range of areas. They learn about the relationship between social influence and the development of prosocial and antisocial behaviours.
Students extend their understanding of Science inquiry and the way psychological knowledge develops over time and in response to ongoing research.

Some subjects are only available in 1 semester. All subjects are internally assessed. Students will receive a Statement of Progress after 8 weeks and College reports at the end of each semester, which will indicate their progress and level of achievement. 


Students are required to have an English standard approximately equal to IELTS 5.0 (no band less than 4.5). Students must also have satisfactory completion of Year 10 studies or equivalent.


  • January Entry 2024: AUD$23,578 plus Overseas Student Health Cover*
  • April Entry 2024: AUD$18,268 plus OSHC*

*OSHC — BUPA Overseas Student Health Cover. This is a compulsory medical cover for ALL international students, as required by the Department of Home Affairs. The price varies according to the length of the course.