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Student achievements at mid-year farewell

Student achievements were recognised during an emotional Mid-Year WA Universities’ Foundation Program class of 2023-24 Farewell Presentation at The Hub, Technology Park last week.

Students drawn from eight countries heard from Principal Leila Bothams, who congratulated them on their hard work and application during their WAUFP studies.

Teachers spoke highly of the application of all students before presenting Perth Mint medallions to the top student in each subject.

Malaysian student Darrell Wong Kok Hong was the winner of Top Student Award (Dux) for his outstanding academic success, while he also won subject awards in Chemistry, Mathematics Methods and Physics.

Randell Tsen Siong Khen, who is also from Malaysia, received the Principal’s Commendation as the second highest performing student, and was also the winner of the Computer Science subject award.

There was an impressive valedictory speech by Rayhan Ahmed (Singapore) and a powerful singing performance from Sara Yamaguchi, who is from Japan.

Master of Ceremony duties were also conducted by Rayhan and Sara, who held back tears as the ceremony reached its conclusion.

During her Principal’s address, Leila wished students well in their upcoming final external exams, their future studies and in pursuit of their career goals.

“Your ability to adapt and to triumph over challenges is really, really admirable,” she said.

“In the last 12 months, and 12 months isn’t a very long time, you have made a very important contribution to Canning College.

“We’re really proud of what you’ve achieved and what you’ve contributed to Canning College. Similarly, I do hope that when you leave Canning College you leave with some really warm recollections about your College experience, about making great friendships while you’ve been here, of your personal growth and of being provided a sure stepping stone on your chosen pathway to university and to a great career ahead of you.”

Rayhan, who completed a Year 11 Bridging Program at Canning College before starting the WAUFP, said the school had provided many great memories, and he thanked teachers and staff for their care and support of all students.

“Exactly on January 31, 2023, I arrived here in Australia and I embarked on my journey at Canning College,” he said. “It was not easy for me because I was in a new country, there were no familiar faces, and it was all just too much for me to focus.

“But luckily, I found myself to be in the presence of the most friendly staff that anyone could ever ask for. Not only that, I had such interesting and friendly classmates.

“This school has provided me with unforgettable memories that will truly be etched into my heart.”

Two separate videos featuring contributions from teachers and students brought a light-hearted element to the evening.

The Mid-Year WAUFP students are from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar and Singapore.

Student achievements

Top Student (Dux) – Darrell Wong Kok Hong

Principal’s Commendation – Randell Tsen Siong Khen

Accounting & Finance – David Xu Tianze

Chemistry – Darrell Wong Kok Hong

Computer Science – Randell Tsen Siong Khen

English Language and Australian Cultural Studies (ELACS) – Syeera MD Salleh

Human Biology – Tan Ka Hwee Vinz

Mathematics Applications – Vu Anh Duong & Png Jian Xing

Mathematics Methods – Darrell Wong Kok Hong

Physics – Darrell Wong Kok Hong

Canning College Community Award – Rayhan Ahmed


The WA Universities’ Foundation Program has provided many thousands of international students with the opportunity to complete their pathway to university in under 12 months.

While most WAUFP students choose to remain in Western Australia to complete their tertiary studies, some choose to join other Australian universities after the completion of the Canning College program.

Canning College runs WAUFP starting in February, April and July.

